Beyond Tomorrow: Environmental Sustainability and the Industrial Revolution 4.0

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Sustainability and IR4.0 are trending words that often intertwined. These words are key to the sustainable development of an organisation and also a nation. It is hoped that IR4.0 underpins the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This year, the world celebrates the 4th anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 which was launched on 25 September 2015 in New York. This Forum aims to understand the enabling environment provided by the government for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our country. Conversations will focus on the role of IR4.0 and the younger generation in accelerating the achievement of SDGs beyond tomorrow. It provides the opportunity for various stakeholders to deliberate on the challenges and the direction forward.

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The forum comprising of plenary talks and panel sessions from respected figures of different fields will focus on Environmental Sustainability and Industrial Revolution 4.0 🌿

Speakers and panelists include Dr. Nagulendran Kangayatkarasu, Deputy Secretary-General of Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC); Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin, the founding president of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS); Dr. Elizabeth Lee, CEO of Sunway Education Group; Mr. Faisal Ariff, CEO and Founder of Borderpass; Ms. Choo Wai Meng, Executive Director of MIDA; and lastly, the award-winning media personality, Ms. Anne Edwards as our moderator!

Date: 7 September 2019
Time: 9:30AM – 1:00PM
Venue: JC2, Sunway University
Attire: Business casual/ Formal

Admission is free and open to the public! All participants will receive an e-certificate of participation.

To find out more, visit us on Instagram or Facebook @sunwaypair

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